Wednesday 23 March 2016

The first novel I ever read

Yes, yes it was Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone.

Harry Potter was my childhood!

Much to some of my friends annoyance, I am a gryffindor, and proud of it dammit! I was not placed in this house because it is the "popular" house, in fact my favourite house is a tie between Hufflepuff and Slytherin for many reasons. I suppose it is kind of ironic, considering my star sign is Leo.... However, like the wise words of Mufasa "I am only brave when I have to be," I will always protect my friends.

Needless to say, this book influenced me greatly. I learnt that even if two children are raised exactly the same, they can grow up to be polar opposites of each other. I learnt that prejudice against race is a horrific thing that leads to conflict and that love is the most important thing of all.

Speaking of the houses, I have a close friend in Ravenclaw who I accused of being narrow-minded because they decided to believe the crap written online about Gyrffindor, they did not like the fanbase's perception of it so therefore they did not like the house. Needless to say, I got a little offended but I could understand where they were coming from. I did not necessarily tell them they were wrong, but I did question the why and explain the merits of all the houses.

Harry Potter led me to my passion of reading and writing, and JK Rowling became a true inspiration with what she wrote. There is a reason the series is called a "worldwide phenomenon", it convinced an entire generation to pick up a book and read it. It captured our hearts and it is a story that will live on even when we all may have great-grandchildren to read it to.

Always! xox

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