Wednesday 30 March 2016

Icarus and the Sun

A story told through pictures that will make you feel the feels...

If you aren't familiar with the story of Icarus, his father built himself and his son wings out of feathers and wax the escape King Minos who trapped him in a labyrinth. His father told him that if he flew to close to the water then the feathers would get soggy, or if he flew too close to the sun the wax would melt. Icarus, caught in his excitement, flew too close to the sun and drowned.

I love greek mythology if you haven't guessed...

The artist Picolo-kun uploaded 'Melt my Heart' last year, not realising these characters would become a fan favourite!

"Inspired by Icarus, who dared to fly too near the sun on wings of feathers and wax. If he was in love with the sun, then this might as well be a story of forbidden love.
Revisiting these two characters of mine, hope you guys like it ^o^. This was a very experimental piece, I'm not used with a lot of stuff I tried to pull off here but I think it will eventually get better! There's a hidden black kitty there as usual." ~ Picolo-kun

There is now an entire folder dedicated to Icarus and the Sun.

Awww! So cute!
But you know what happens when you fly too close to the sun...

She did warn him though...

It's so sad and so beautiful! They love each other but can't be together because it causes too much pain. There are a lot more where this all came from, though. Picolo-kun also posts his art on Instagram.

Catch you later xx

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