Thursday 31 March 2016

Read the book!

Yes we’ve all heard it, possibly yelled at us after saying something about a movie adaptation…

There are some movies that are good recreation of the books, they don’t have everything but their ok.
There are some that I think only keep the title, for example:

Fantastic Mr Fox
-There are no words. No words. He has 4 children for a start, the plot is completely different, no there is no shopping centre. Also everyone loves Mr Fox, and he’s a good guy, ugh. This movie is unwatchable.

Deltora Quest
-The tv series was a disappointment - Grey guard uniforms aren’t pink Jasmine! And your hair is supposed to be black! Also witch lady you died in book 2! Stay dead please!

We understand that the book has more space for explanations and scenes than the movie but still. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows had 2 3 hour long films and that still wasn’t enough. To be honest we’d probably sit through a 7 hour Harry Potter movie if it had every detail from the books, we are just that desperate for more Harry Potter. All in favour of a marauders tv series?

So this is just to explain why after seeing what you think is a decent movie, why you then see your book loving friend having a meltdown in the corner XD

Catch you later xx

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