Monday 21 March 2016

So that was an interesting weekend...



We are going to start from Friday night. I walk into work at the pizza shop, not at all enthusiastic, and the first words I hear are,
"We are going to town tonight," from my best friend and manager (Who's birthday happens to be tomorrow, 20!) Cut to 11pm where I'm in my room putting makeup on for my first foray into a nightclub, ready to get completely smashed. 11:30 we are in the club, have already downed two drinks with RedBull in them (bad idea!) and some guy is trying to set me up with his friend!

By the end of the night my group and I were in some pancake house drinking orange juice and had "borrowed" our driver's phone and were screwing around with his Tinder!

I manage to sneak into my house at 4am with no one noticing and in the morning I have a message from my mother, 
"Are you home?"

Saturday was hungover but I managed to take a pretty decent picture of the sunset.

Quite proud of that one actually...

Sunday... I slept and worked. As for today? I spent the day travelling around the CBD taking photos of signs for my linguistics course and rounding it all out with a gym session with my personal trainer.

Sleepy time! xox

(btw Tabby, I like silly trinkets ;) love you!)

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