Friday, 29 April 2016

This is not natural...

Some might say it's....


I know, cheesy but this is an awesome television show and I have to share my first experiences with it. I refuse to provide pictures, cause they still freak me out. I love those writers.

S1x5 - Bloody Mary
The first episode I ever watched was this one and I think I was maybe eleven? Needless to say, I tried to watch it at night, alone, and noped so hard I didn't get five minutes in without shutting it off. Anyone who has seen season 1 of Supernatural knows that anyone in the first five minutes of an episode is going to have a very bad time. I was warned season 1 was the "scary" season.

Basically if you don't know the urban legend, look it up or watch the episode. I ended up watching the episode the next day with my mother, while she ironed clothes, 11 year old me babbled non-stop. I tend to do my own commentary in a lot of films...

S1x3 - Dead in the Water
(the second episode I ever watched aired before the first...)
And queue a fear of drowning. This episode made me absolutely terrified of murky water. Even today, if I cannot see my feet under the water, I am incredibly uncomfortable, and do not get me started if I cannot see my feet and something brushes against them? Nope. Absolutely not, I am out of there. This episode is the reason I cannot swim as far out in the ocean as my boyfriend.

Yet, even as this show terrified me, 10 seasons later, I am still hooked. Still hoping those silly boys make it out okay and waiting for Chuck to come back and sort everyone out. (You'll get it if you watch and follow)

The Darkness is hot! xox


(I once again have no idea what I did to these posts to make them look weird)

Thursday, 28 April 2016

A girl the size of a thumb?

Lets Fracture This FairyTale: Thumbelina

(Yes, late again because I am sick)

Written by Hans Christian Andersen, long story short a beggar woman gives a piece of barley corn to a peasant woman in exchange for food. The peasant plants the corn and Thumbelina emerges from the grown flower.

She is kidnapped by a toad who wants to marry her off to his son (queue the main theme of this story: marriage). Thumbelina does not like this idea so she escapes with a fish and butterfly. A stag beetle shows up, then discards her because of his friends after which Thumbelina is in danger of turning into an ice cube in winter and is saved by a field mouse.

The field mouse starts pressuring Thumbelina into marrying his neighbor: a mole. Well, Thumbelina wasn't having any of that so she nurses a swallow back to health and flies out! She then meets a fairy prince in a meadow somewhere and lives happily ever after with her own set of wings and a new name: Maia.

In my opinion, Thumbelina was not a silly little girl. She knew what she wanted and she did not stay in situations that made her uncomfortable or even situations where she could easily be "trapped". She was not pressured into anything, which is admirable.

As a child there was something about this story that truly unsettled me. I cannot remember if it was the situation with the mole or the toad, or even being underground. The story, though not a particularly scary one, always freaked me out. It was possibly the setting of being underground, I am not particularly claustrophobic but the thought of never being outside in the fresh air again does not sit well with me. Still, unsettling.

Buh Bye! xox


Wednesday, 27 April 2016


pin up cartoon girls

Sexy, gorgeous ladies?

Recently I started getting back into drawing, and though I don't feel like I have enough content to share, I thought I would share some reference photos from Pinterest.

The biggest thing I have realised is that under no circumstances, when drawing pin-up, do you ever use a straight line. Women are curvy and pin-up poses show that.

Pin-up girls are sexy yet always leave a little to the imagination. Unless you draw them naked, like I did...

Anyway, not the point. From victory rolls to poodle skirts to army advertisements. Pin-up girls do it all, however the signature look is a cat eye, red lips and a cheeky pose.

Stay classy! xox

Tuesday, 26 April 2016


Yes, Superheroes have style.

Whether it be incognito or in their costumes, superheroes tend to follow certain styles. These days, their costumes for crime fighting have taken on a more practical approach, especially in television.

You sure about that Edna?

I was watching Supergirl, when I came across the part where they were designing her supersuit they began testing it out. Apparently capes are helpful when it comes to steering mid flight. Who knew? (probably any physicist actually...)

Less tights, more badass is where things are going these days. Heroes are looking to be more protected by their outfits while still having maneuverability. Thicker materials mean more protection.

In Arrow, their clothes look almost like armor and honestly? I would not be surprised if under the leather, there was some Kevlar or something. 

Whereas in their day to day lives, they dress to match their careers or social standing. Hiding themselves in plain sight.

And here we have the Flash (from the tv show of course) two completely different looks; one of the forensic scientist and that of the fastest man alive. Two looks for the one person.

This is what most superheroes have in common, the unassuming "normal" look and their "super" look.

These are just two examples of superhero looks from current TV shows, if I were to go into movies this would be a very, very long post. I think the main thing to take from this is everyone, whether they are super or not has two styles: the style they show everyone, and the style that is truly them.

Stay true! xox


Monday, 25 April 2016


Gallipoli 1915, April 25th

Today is the anniversary of the landing in Gallipoli in 1915 during WWI. Today we mourn and remember all those who have died and served in war and on operational service. Every year, thousands of Australians wake up well before dawn to attend the dawn ceremony; whether it is at our closest council chambers or in our respective cities. There is a national ceremony where wreaths are laid, the sounding of the Last Post and a minute's silence to reflect and remember our brave dead.

The beginning of WWI was over 100 years ago, and we still remember those who fought then just as we remember those who fight now.

ANZAC - the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps

And now for something completely different...

I went to a poetry reading last night with my English tutor from University. Cheap beer, open mic and Heathers playing in the background (A movie that I must now go and actually watch). In a little coffee shop that didn't sell coffee much to my mother's and my annoyance. Lolly snakes, free notebooks and peanut butter Oreo's were passed around with much good natured swearing. It was a really fun night where I got to meet new people in the publishing industry and ask a multitude of questions to send me on the right path.

For now though? I am unwell with a bad cough and an assignment due at 9am that I forgot about, whoops!

Now to open Word! xox


Friday, 22 April 2016

Whoops, this is late.


I woke up yesterday and decided that there was no way I would be getting out of bed to even turn on my computer, so this post is late.

Doctor Who

Timey-wimey Wibbley-wobbly post time.  Does anyone else think that giving the Doctor a brand new regeneration cycle was a bit of a cop-out?

Not that we aren't grateful! It does mean more seasons after all, but the Doctor was only supposed to live 12 regeneration's. A 13th Doctor was a concept none of us even thought was possible, and by all reasoning, it shouldn't have happened. Supposedly the Time Lords reached through a rip in time and restored the Doctor's lives, but if they had that technology, why would there have been a limit to regeneration in the first place?

It just confuses me, Moffat added a loophole and while I am grateful, and I do like Peter Capaldi's approach to being the Doctor, I feel a little cheated.

Miss you Tabby! xox


Thursday, 21 April 2016

Rapunzel! Rapunzel!

Let down your Ridiculously Long Hair!

Seriously though, imagine the split ends! the Horror!!!

Rapunzel was chosen for this original story post because her story is scandalous! Picture this, you are a loving husband to a pregnant wife and she gets crazy cravings: she MUST have that Rapunzel plant growing in the neighbors for her dinner or she will just die! Melodramatic much? So you dutifully hop the fence and grab some for her salad, neighbor is none the wiser, or so you think...

The next night, the loving husband is caught by the woman next door and she claims to be a witch. He pleads his case saying his pregnant wife will die if she doesn't eat these plants. So the witch says "She can have as much as she wants in exchange for the child she is carrying," the husband says "sure!" and no one has a problem with this??? ARE CHILDREN JUST BELONGINGS YOU CAN GIVE AWAY IN THESE STORIES?!?!

Fast forward: Rapunzel is all grown up (and named after what her parents basically sold her for) and has never in her entire life had a hair cut. Why? Because the witch needs a way to get back into the tower Rapunzel is locked into of course! One day a prince rides by and watches the witch call for Rapunzel's hair and climb up. He copies the move and ends up in Rapunzel's bedroom. Alone with her, he instantly falls in love of course, so does she (he is the first guy she has ever met ever so why not?) and he returns more.

This is where it gets scandalous. So in the older version, the prince visits Rapunzel so much that she falls pregnant! GASP The witch catches on because Rapunzel's dress becomes too tight over her swelling stomach. The witch then cuts her hair off and banishes her. When the prince visits next, it is the witch who lets the hair down and pushes him off the tower when he reaches the window. He lands in some very convenient rose bushes that blind him with their thorns and he then spends years wandering blind until Rapunzel and the twins (I think) find him. So overwhelmed with love and sorrow, she cries into his eyes which magically restores them. Witch dies alone. The end.

Not only does the story involve selling children, but also out-of-marriage pregnancy (not that this is a problem for a lot of people in modern times, I personally have nothing against it.), attempted murder, and theft! This is NOT a children's story. It's a good story, but it has way too many unbelievable parts.

The version I read as a child was mostly the same, except instead of falling pregnant, Rapunzel was dumb and asked the witch, "Why does it take you so long to climb up the tower when the Prince can do it in hardly any time at all?" FACE PALM

Le Sigh! xox


Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Friend online art: Deranged Child


From DeviantArt - Deranged Chilcl

(pronounced child)

So a friend of mine from highschool is pretty good at art in my opinion. She enjoys drawing people, anime and fanart. 
This picture is awesome! This is just a small taste of her art, a simple line drawing and doodle to full blown computer art.

So cool.

Create! xox


Tuesday, 19 April 2016

My Style of the Week

Home Decor: Rustic edition

Something I personally love the look of. I'm in a mood and I'm living in a house I am not allowed to redecorate. Not that I would, the house has a lovely beach house feel to it, lots of sandy tones and blues.It's pretty, but it is not me. I like wooden things. I like the natural element.

So pretty, I like it because I think it has character. Instead of stark lines and smoothness, you get curves and texture. The whole room feels alive. Fresh plants on window sills just make it better. If I get my way, that is what my future home will look like.

I'm stubborn, I'll admit that. But come on!

Who wouldn't want to sink into all those pillows? 

Stay comfy! xox


Monday, 18 April 2016

Bye Bye Money

Where did my money go???

This is a question many of us ask over and over again, but this time I actually know why.


I kept a record of all the money I spent on holiday so far.

I've spent around $80 on pins...
I bought a chocolate frog from Harry Potter world...the card was Salazar Slytherin. The chocolate wasn't that good, it was like bad cooking chocolate :(

Now the next part is legen...wait for it




Don't forget the silly souvenirs like photo frames, key rings, etc, etc...

Soooooo yeah, don't let me adult

Catch you later xx

Living alone for a whole week starting...


I am house sitting my boyfriend's family's home for a whole week starting today and the first thing I did when I got here? Let the cat out cause she went straight out the door the moment I opened it! 

You are quite welcome Cat. I'm hoping this week on my own will give me some much needed productivity time. Time to get ahead on my school work so I can be lazy later, am I right? As long as I can find the determination to stay awake and not nap every hour... I should be fine.

My weekend was fairly straightforward, I worked and shopped for groceries. I even managed to go to the gym twice which is pretty good. Currently I am getting growled at by a dog wanting cuddles and play... 

Time to sing really badly and loud in the shower!

Remember to turn off your lights, Earth Day is Friday! xox

Friday, 15 April 2016

Homestuck? Finished? WHAT!?

Online everyone is freaking the heck out!

There are people in denial, people organizing meet and greets, anything to continue on the fandom. According to creator of Homestuck, Andrew Hussie, Act 7 marks the end of the seven year long series.

Jessthepegasus - deviantart
Just to recap, Homestuck is the story of a group of teenagers who inadvertently cause the end of the world by installing the Beta version of a computer game called Sburb. This causes meteors to hit the Earth, the teens only escape because through the game they are transported to another dimension. Que some literal internet trolls and BOOM! That is the simplest way to explain Homestuck without giving anything away...

There may be an epilogue but for now? I think i'm just going to reread the entire thing (which is over 8,000 pages long and more than 100x that many words).

Sweet dreams sprites! xox

(Sorry for the late upload, internet problems)

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Quick update

I have a problem...
I spent $75 on Disney pins... I cannot be trusted to adult

Today was my last performance and we are exhausted, tomorrow I finally get to spend the day at Disneyland!!!

Hope your surviving without me Tazxx
Catch you later! xx

RolePlaying Counts!

My eyes have been opened once more!

A friend of mine recently introduced me to an online forum where people actively role play various quests, story-lines, and missions. The site is called RpNation and it seems really interesting.

So what do we do? We write stories with other people in any genre we decide, playing any character we want, in any gender we wish. Just role the dice...

And get down to business! I particularly want to get into Dungeons and Dragons, I had a small foray into a variant called Anima however, it conflicted with my life so I probably will not go back unless I have a really good reason. 

The maps that are created in some RolePlay campaigns are so intricate and well done they deserve their own post. People have even done 3D rendering of entire cities for use in a story-line, all to make the story as immersive as possible. I believe this is a great way of storytelling adventures your characters have.



Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Stark lines and Dots?

Pop Art

It's kind of weird in my opinion but that is the point. This portion of this blog allows me to write my opinion about anything. According to ArtyFactory:
"Pop Art was the art of popular culture. It was the visual art movement that characterised a sense of optimism during the post war consumer boom of the 1950's and 1960's. It coincided with the globalization of pop music and youth culture, personified by Elvis and the Beatles."

Most of what I have seen of Pop Art in the 21st century have been in old comic books and recently in makeup artistry.
Madeyewlook - Youtube
From what I can tell, Pop Art is characterised by strong lines and/or highly contrasting colours developing a vividness and unreal quality. As you can see from Madeyewlook's redition, she uses strong lines and keeps it simple yet vivid. Later she adds tears but that wass for fun and dramatic effect.
Roy Lichtenstein's Drowning girl

It is great for conveyng sadness as the tears are so obvious and in your face. They have a specific shape and with just a few lines, you can turn from sassy to sad.

Carry on lovelies! xox


Tuesday, 12 April 2016

But dear... Pastels?


So all day I've been thinking of what to write about and as I was scrolling through Pinterest boards I saw this:

I do have a slight fascination with pastels, I like the delicateness and soft nature of them. Less harsh and more cute. I like how you can mix a bunch of different pastels together and more often than not, it works. Colour blocking to lace even to Gothic Lolita, pastels have you covered if you are into that.

I would feel so adorable wearing these clothes. That is the point I guess, to achieve a desired look and feel comfortable doing so? I want pastel mint hair.

There are days when you want to be a fairy and there are days when you want to be Morticia Addams.

Stay Sassy! xox


Monday, 11 April 2016

Well that was a long weekend...

I worked 20 hours in 3 days!

On Friday I get up early for a history tutorial at University, manage to get all the answers correct without reading all the readings and spent the rest of the two hour long tute, designing a proposal for a bookshop. We figured out the clientele, the location, the layout and even the design and rewards system and even a business proposal. It was pretty sweet. 

I then caught a bus to a friends house so i could go with her to book her first tattoo (such excite!) We went and got lunch which was pretty sweet and went to the tattoo parlor. Then I went to work for 6 hours. Get home = sleep yay!
I woke up at 11, and went to work at 2... home at 11pm. So freaking tired. 
Sunday consisted of napping and gym session with my mum. Work at 5, and managed to finish at 9:00?!?!?! what? when does that even happen?

That's today! I am officially on Uni holidays today, meaning I still have school work but I do not actually have to go to campus. I bought a new phone today, which is awesome because my old phone has been turning itself off randomly, has very little memory and is just plain old now. Its charging now and I'm so, so excited to play with it and install all my apps. 
I am hoping Tabby is staying safe and having a great time in Disney. Hopefully she has some time off to explore and meet new people.

Stay safe lovelies! xox


Friday, 8 April 2016

Tabby's Airport Snapchat Story

Adelaide > Melbourne > Los Angeles

In flight entertainment
Music: Veronicas, Taylor Swift, Brittany Spears
TV: 2 Broke Girls, The Big Bang Theory
Book: Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

Departure: 5:30am
Breakfast: Ham & Cheese Croissant
People in photos: Me & My Brother

Tabby's Trip to Disney!

In light of Tabby's trip, today's fandom is DISNEY

Lets go back to the original Disney princess: Snow White!

In the original story, the evil queen tries to kill Snow using more than the Huntsman and a poisoned apple. In the original, the queen disguises herself as an old peddler and tries to sell Snow a bodice, which she laces so tightly that Snow is unable to breathe and faints. The queen leaves her for dead, she is however saved by the seven dwarfs just in time! The next day, the evil queen sells Snow a poisoned comb, she is yet again revived by the dwarfs. 

When reading the story I began to think Snow was kind of stupidly naive. After THREE attempts on her life, she still takes food from a stranger and is poisoned... again. Of course the queen tricks her by eating half the apple (the non-poisoned side of course) but nowadays? YOU DON'T TAKE FOOD FROM STRANGERS! Heck! We were told from a young age not to even speak to strangers... mind you, then most of us ended up on the internet. I suppose this is a story that teaches young children a valuable lesson; if it seems too good to be true? It probably is!
Model: Rachel Weisz
So yea, Snow White's stepmother, like most stepmothers in Disney was a heinous... woman. At least the Huntsman had some morals! He chose to let Snow go and instead gave the heart and liver of a wild boar to the queen as "proof" of Snow's death.

Bon Voyage! xox


Thursday, 7 April 2016

Corsets? Pirates? Cthulhu?

Have I got the genre for you!

H.G Wells, Jules Verne and Mary Shelley are who I consider to be the most significant original writers of Steampunk fiction. I threw Cthulhu in the title because technically Steampunk Horror is a thing and H.P. Lovecraft was pretty damn good at that...
hahahahahahahaha nope

What is Steampunk though? The answer is basically: a genre of science fiction that typically features steam-powered machinery rather than advanced technology.

How I would describe it: Picture the Victorian era as if steam-powered technology advanced further than it was supposed to, that dirigibles and airships were the main mode of travel and automatons were utilised as household staff for the wealthy. Scientists with questionable morals (
see Frankenstein) and the Industrial Revolution has begun and yet electricity is not on the scene as of yet.

Steampunk can be dystopian, Utopian, fantasy, horror, science fiction, or any other genre spin-off you can think of! It is an incredibly versatile genre that can include anything from Cowboys on dinosaurs to Tesla coil induced time travel (second one is made up of things that I would totally read, Tesla and time travel? yes please!).

The best Steampunk series I have read to date is The Parasol Protectorate series by Gail Carriger. She introduces the concept of a measurable soul while adding werewolves, vampires, and of course automatons to the series beginning with Soulless. 

We follow Alexia Tarabotti on her adventures with her trusty (and well equipped) Parasol

Goodnight! xox


Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Tabby's USA Dance Adventure

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you breaking news!

As you may have noticed, I didn't post anything yesterday...this is because I was packing for Disneyland!

While away I will not be posting to the schedule but instead posting travel updates. So Taz I leave you to take care of this blog while I'm away. (Love you xx)
Well I gotta go finish and hand up my 1000 word essay on women in media.

Catch you later xx