Friday, 22 April 2016

Whoops, this is late.


I woke up yesterday and decided that there was no way I would be getting out of bed to even turn on my computer, so this post is late.

Doctor Who

Timey-wimey Wibbley-wobbly post time.  Does anyone else think that giving the Doctor a brand new regeneration cycle was a bit of a cop-out?

Not that we aren't grateful! It does mean more seasons after all, but the Doctor was only supposed to live 12 regeneration's. A 13th Doctor was a concept none of us even thought was possible, and by all reasoning, it shouldn't have happened. Supposedly the Time Lords reached through a rip in time and restored the Doctor's lives, but if they had that technology, why would there have been a limit to regeneration in the first place?

It just confuses me, Moffat added a loophole and while I am grateful, and I do like Peter Capaldi's approach to being the Doctor, I feel a little cheated.

Miss you Tabby! xox



  1. I should be the next doctor...s/he would finally be a ginger...what do you think?

    1. I agree wholeheartedly my dear, may I be the companion? THINK OF THE SHENANIGANS!
