Thursday 1 June 2017

Eat 'fresh' *terms and conditions apply

How 'fresh' is our favourite sandwich restaurant?

Well as I have now left my sub job at a certain sub fast food place that sub treated me like sub sh*t, I can tell you.

"Our food is prepared fresh daily"
It is prepared daily at 6am, when they ask their staff to come in early unpaid. It is prepared in the morning then put in the fridge and won't be used till the next day or possibly the day after.
Sweetcorn, gherkins and lettuce come to us pre-cut and pre-packaged, the sweetcorn and gherkins are kept in brine. 

"You'll find only good eggs on our breakfast mega melt "
They are delivered poached and frozen, hence why they taste like rubber.

"Fresh meat"
Meat is all pre-packaged. The turkey and ham come in foul smelling liquid and the chicken smells even worse. I will never eat their chicken, the smell makes me gag. 
Probably the only descent meat is the tuna, pepperoni and salami.

"Freshly baked bread and cookies"

Cookies come in frozen disks that are then cooked. Bread takes an hour to proof before baking and then need time to cool, meaning that if you come in before lunchtime, you're getting yesterdays semi-stale leftovers.

Now, I only worked there a few weeks and I never signed any contract swearing me to secrecy, besides a lot of this is already circling the internet. 


"Become part of the family"
Probably the most dysfunctional family ever (besides those in Game of Thrones)! My boss made me do the training but never mentioned it was unpaid, then made me do extra unpaid shifts and unpaid overtime - 26 hours, that's £140.
When I complained to their online complaints department they basically told me they cared but couldn't do basically to stuff it.
My boss asked inappropriate questions about my virginity, joked about blow jobs, made racist and transphobic comments and overall treated me like sh*t.

"Our goal is to become number one"
My local subway has the worst reputation amongst the town and neighbouring villages. It's even reached the city paramedics.
A lady saw the way I was treated and got me a card for 'good luck'.

Ok, ok you're probably at this point wondering how my leaving went...

I was 'let go'.
My boss has asked me several times if I would leave and every time I said no.
I was away for a few days as my boss knew...

He made it very clear that he wanted me to quit.
And when I went into collect my pay it was not there.
He said I missed the cut off to which I pointed out I hadn't.
He then started asking me why I stayed there; I said:
"This is a part time job, I am here to do the work and earn a living."
He then gave a spiel about how great a boss he was and I was at this point starting to become inpatient.

He said that he'd give me my cheque if I left my job, I said that I needed this job to which he replied that I wasn't 'part of the family'. He then once again gave a speech about how he was a great boss he didn't understand why my mum had complained about him. (She had contacted head office about all the unpaid overtime and unpaid shifts, because she cares about me and knew I was being treated like mud).
I then was getting slightly irritated and defended her saying she was just looking out for me, and he said he had a reputation to uphold.

At this point I was either about to cry or scream...I swallowed my rage and remarked that he wasn't doing a great job, because he didn't have the best reputation.
He then lost it and called someone asking how much my pay was - a whole £5.60 an hour - and wrote me out a cheque and asked me to leave.

While yes that may have been a comment too far, understand he treated me like mud and always acted like he was doing me a favour, he was vulgar and had zero filter. I came into work and did what I had to.

Take care of your staff and they'll take care of your business.

Catch ya later xx

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