Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Unforgivable Curses Collection

 And why are they so named?

Because they are unforgivable...



The Cruciatus Curse

Model: Abigail
Photographer: Abigail



The Imperius Curse

Model: Jacob
Photographer: Abigail


Avada Kedavra

The Killing Curse

Model: Taylor
Photographer: Abigail

This year I am hoping to do more photography projects, so stay tuned xx
Catch you later xx

Friday, 13 January 2017

Film Review: Assassin's Creed

Image taken from Google
First things first, I was so excited to see this movie. I've been fascinated with the concept of the Assassin's vs the Templars ever since I was introduced to the game series (that being said, I still have not completed the game as I do not own a console on which to play it). Assassin's working in the shadows to ensure the free will of mankind; plus their parkour and free-running skills are so awesome it motivates me to get fit and learn some of that cause wow. I took my younger brother to see the movie with me and he loved it too.

Without any major spoilers I can tell you that the movie itself is about an assassin that has only been introduced in the recently released movie, his name? Callum Lynch and his direct ancestor Aguilar de Nerha, a spanish assassin during the Spanish Inquisition. Of course we are introduced to the Animus in a much more visual way, namely we get to see how being plugged into the Animus is viewed externally, what the person in the Animus physically does when inside the memory. As a science fiction and movie fan, this was fascinating, but you have to see it to know why.

Visually I truly loved this film, the fast paced scenes where assassins are fighting or running for their lives, I believe they brought the series to life in a different way than what I have witnessed in game. Michael Fassbender did an amazing job as Callum Lynch and I would have expected nothing less honestly, I think he is an awe inspiring actor with incredible screen presence as seen in his portrayal of Magneto in X-men: First Class and subsequent movies since. Honestly if given the chance, I would definitely go see the movie again... and again, and again...

8.5/10 would recommend but I know there's going to be people who did not like the movie at all so it is sure to get some bad reviews from hardcore gamers.

Another review for you! xox


Thursday, 12 January 2017

The world we live in...

Something very disturbing happened to me recently; a man asking for directions apologised for asking for help. He used the words "don't be afraid" and made no attempt to step closer to me or my companion. The fact that he asked at all wasn't the disturbing event, what really upset me was the fact he felt he had to say "don't be afraid", because of his dark skin, and the world we live in.

Had I seen this man on the street in passing, I would not have thought he looked threatening, he simply looked like a well put together and educated young man off running errands, just like everyone else during christmas shopping. He had an open face yet sad eyes when he thought we were afraid (we were simply taken aback because we weren't expecting anyone we didn't know to approach us). Now, I consider myself a decent person and of course I helped him with directions as he asked but the entire event has stuck with me the past few weeks.

Sadly, the world we live in is scary for most. I envy those who feel they can travel without fear of reproach or even violence in some cases. When I read the news about the shootings in America or of the violence that permeates our world it saddens me. I too have felt fear in a public setting, as a woman I hear many horror stories of women just like myself who have found themselves attacked and abused. Whereas in the case of men, they too are attacked by the violence in this world. Is it too much to ask for peace? Is it too much to ask that the people in this world treat others the way they wish to be treated? All too often this is not the case.

Wishing everyone safety in the new year, xox
